Biometrical Letters


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Issue 54 (2) 2017


On a New Approach to the Analysis of Variance for Experiments with Orthogonal Block Structure.
Tadeusz Calinski , Idzi Siatkowski
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 91-122
abstract nr 91 abstract pdf 2017_2_91 full text
Incomplete split-block designs constructed by affine α-resolvable designs
Kazuhiro Ozawa , Shinji Kuriki , Stanisław Mejza
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 123-135
abstract nr 123 abstract pdf 2017_2_123 full text
Some D-optimal chemical balance weighing designs: theory and examples
Bronisław Ceranka , Małgorzata Graczyk
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 137-154
abstract nr 137 abstract pdf 2017_2_137 full text
Comparison of Sojourn Time Distributions in Modeling HIV/AIDS Disease Progression
Tilahun Ferede Asena , Ayele Taye Goshu
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 155-174
abstract nr 155 abstract pdf 2017_2_155 full text
Sample size determination in the Mann–Whitney test
Andrzej Kornacki , Andrzej Bochniak , Agnieszka Kubik-Komar
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 175-186
abstract nr 175 abstract pdf 2017_2_175 full text
The effect of integrated tillage of light soil on potato yields
Ryszard Walkowiak , Stanisław Podsiadłowski , Michał Czajka
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 187-201
abstract nr 187 abstract pdf 2017_2_187 full text
A Multidimensional Analysis of Socioeconomic Factors in Housing Policy in the Eurozone Countries (2010–2014)
António Duarte Santos , Nelson Tavares da Silva , Guilherme Castela
Biometrical Letters 2017; 54(2); 203-221
abstract nr 203 abstract pdf 2017_2_203 full text

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